Our Best Equipments

Equipment's List

Helium Ion Beam Lithography

Helium Ion Beam Lithography

An emerging lithographic technique offers a promising alternative to electron beam lithography for fabricating new semiconductor devices with transistor fabrication below 10 nm both traditional and non-traditional resists. This allows pattering for them.
Electron Beam Lithography

Electron Beam Lithography

Electron-beam lithography (often abbreviated as e-beam lithography) is the practice of scanning a focused beam of electrons to draw custom shapes on a surface covered with an electron-sensitive film called a resist. This instrument pattern the substrate
FESEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope)

FESEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope)

It is Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) provides topographical and elemental information at magnifications of 10x to 300,000x, with virtually unlimited depth of field. Applications of FESEM include:
AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy)

AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy)

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a very high-resolution type of scanning probe microscopy, with demonstrated resolution on the order of fractions of a nanometer. The purpose of this instrument is to analyse the surface properties of thin films.
Mask Aligner (Optical Lithography)

Mask Aligner (Optical Lithography)

Mask Aligner is the mask dependent lithography system depending on the flood exposure of UV light.
Thermal Evaporator

Thermal Evaporator

This is used for physical Vapour deposition of the material. It is basically based on the principle of heating the material upto its melting point in high vacuum atmosphere.
Reactive Ion Etching

Reactive Ion Etching

Reactive Ion Etching It is used for dry etching using reactive gas discharge
Electrical Characterization System

Electrical Characterization System

It is used for electrical characterisation of the devices (including two terminal, three terminal and four terminal devices).


Electrospinning is a fiber production method which uses electric force to draw charged threads of polymer solutions or polymer melts up to fiber diameters. These fibers further can be used for singe fiber-based devices.


This instrument can be used for extraction of the dielectric properties as well thickness of the thin film typically of few nm. The instrument relies on the fact that the reflection at a dielectric interface depends on the polarization of the light while
Optical Profilometer

Optical Profilometer

The purpose of profilometry is to get surface morphology, step heights and surface roughness. It is a non-contact technique.
Dektak Stylus Profilometery

Dektak Stylus Profilometery

The purpose of profilometry is to get surface morphology, step heights and surface roughness. Stylus profilometry requires force feedback and physically touching the surface, so while it is extremely sensitive and provides high Z resolution
Sputtering System

Sputtering System

It is used for the solid-state thin film deposition for device fabrication. Two different types of sputtering are available one is RF sputtering and DC sputtering.
Clean Bench  (Vertical Laminar Flow Cabinet)

Clean Bench (Vertical Laminar Flow Cabinet)

They protect the product and research from contamination. The clean bench discharges high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtered air across the work surface and toward the user. The air flow can be directed either horizontally or vertically.
3 Zone Furance

3 Zone Furance

This is used for the oxidation and annealing of the devices in the controlled environment upto 1100˚C. This system is modified to perform Chemical Vapor deposition well.
Glove Box

Glove Box

This system is used for the synthesis of the device in the controlled atmosphere of the desired Gas.
Electrochemical Analyser

Electrochemical Analyser

It is for the measurement of potential, charge, or current to determine an analyte's concentration or to characterize an analyte's chemical reactivity.
Contact Angle

Contact Angle

The purpose is to verify whether the substrate is hydrophobic or hydrophilic in nature.
Spin Coater

Spin Coater

It is used for the thin film deposition when the material is in liquid form. Usually a small amount of coating material is applied on the center of the substrate, and then rotated at the desired speed.
Optical Microscope

Optical Microscope

This is high end optical microscope with the attached accessories for temperature dependent analysis. This microscope has a resolution of 100x
Maskless Lithography

Maskless Lithography

This instrument is used for pattering for device fabrication using CAD based mask. This instrument has the resolution of 5 pm.
3D Printer

3D Printer

3D printing joins or solidifies polymer under computer control to create a three-dimensional object. These can be used further used for sensor (biological, chemical and physical) applications