Atomic Force Microcopy (AFM)

Manufacturer Name/Country – Bruker AXS Pte Ltd. (U.S.A.)

Model Name- Dimension Icon-Pt Scanning Probe Microscope

(Lab- 1)

Product Specification/Description:  

  • Performs all major SPM imaging techniques including ScanAsyst, Tapping mode, Contact mode, Phase imaging, Lift mode, MFM, Surface potential, Piezoresponse Microscopy, and Force Spectroscopy without additional hardware.
  • Peak Force QNM, Harmonics, Nanoindentation, Nanolithography, Force Modulation, Typing mode (Fluid), STM, CAFM, TUNA, SSRM, Modes are Available with additional accessories, Perform imaging techniques sample upto 200mm diameter/ 15mm Thick
  • Powerful NanoScope Analysis software package to support image analysis in real-time with linked communication to NanoScope and NanoDrive software v8.x and later. Feature including image processing and analysis history with Undo/Redo functions, a save your work process function, 3D rendering and skin overlay, section, Fourier and bearing analysis, images math, data filtering, force curve analysis and many rendering for report formatting.