Manufacturer Name/Country – Bruker AXS Pte Ltd. (U.S.A.)
Model Name- Dimension Icon-Pt Scanning Probe Microscope
(Lab- 1)
Product Specification/Description:
Performs all major SPM imaging techniques including ScanAsyst, Tapping mode, Contact mode, Phase imaging, Lift mode, MFM, Surface potential, Piezoresponse Microscopy, and Force Spectroscopy without additional hardware.
Peak Force QNM, Harmonics, Nanoindentation, Nanolithography, Force Modulation, Typing mode (Fluid), STM, CAFM, TUNA, SSRM, Modes are Available with additional accessories, Perform imaging techniques sample upto 200mm diameter/ 15mm Thick
Powerful NanoScope Analysis software package to support image analysis in real-time with linked communication to NanoScope and NanoDrive software v8.x and later. Feature including image processing and analysis history with Undo/Redo functions, a save your work process function, 3D rendering and skin overlay, section, Fourier and bearing analysis, images math, data filtering, force curve analysis and many rendering for report formatting.