FESEM Instrument @C4DFED IIT Mandi Available for Use
Submitted by admin on Thu, 03/03/2022 – 11:13
Dear All, We are glad to inform all the faculties, student and researchers of IIT Mandi that C4DFED has procured and successfully installed a HIGH-END FIELD EMISSION SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE (FESEM) in class 100 clean lab. This equipment is fully functional and ready for use to all. FESEM- (Make: ZEISS, GeminiSem 500) In addition to its high-resolution imaging capability, the equipment has the following attachments- EDX- (MAKE: EDAX). This detector provides elemental analysis of specimens at Nano scale. EDX Imaging provides the distribution of elements in a certain area. HEATING STAGE – (Make: Kammrath Weiss). In situ heating of specimens up to 400 degree C. MICROMANIPULATOR- (Make: KLEINDIEK). Electrical and mechanical measurements can be done under the microscope.